A Day in the Life of an AVP – the Pinball Edition

What is it like to be a pinball?  I think I know – because I often describe my AVP days as “pinballing”.  I go from one thing to another to another, back to the first and then over to a fourth thing.  I zig and zag and zig again.  And  sometimes (but not often) I feel like I’m going down the drain.

This month I thought I’d give you a feel for a day of pinballing.  I’ll save the gory details – but I’ll highlight the work.  The key to understanding why I feel like a pinball is knowing that I rarely get to spend much focused on a single thing.  I start one thing and then have to zig over to another, more pressing thing.  I work a bit on that thing and then have to zag to a meeting.  I leave the meeting and zig to issues that arise via email.  I get through a few emails and than zag to a new problem that requires me to make some phone calls and put out a fire.  I get the fire under control and zig to another meeting about something different.  I get back to my office and zag back to the first thing I started with.  And so it goes.

Here’s a sample list of a single day’s zigging and zagging.   Just to state the obvious (one more time) – the day wasn’t one of methodically moving from one thing to the next, which is what a list implies.   It was a day of pinballing back and forth and across and over and around and back again to these tasks and meetings:

  • Editing and updating the full-time faculty hiring manual
  • Drafting a formal response to a faculty complaint
  • Offering comments on a draft Bellwether award application for ACC’s OER work
  • Attending a meeting about how to trumpet more effectively (and more broadly) the benefits of the Texas A&M Chevron Engineering Academy so that we can recruit our allotted 100 students
  • Recruiting folks to participate in a “transfer self-assessment” that ACC is working on
  • Drafting the answer to one of the questions for the Leah Meyer Austin award application that ACC submitted
  • Offering advice to a dean about eStaffing issues
  • Sending off a brief description of a presentation I’m giving at the upcoming Texas Pathways conference
  • Offering advice to another dean about a personnel issue
  • Prodding some folks about a looming deadline for gathering initial information on campus moves
  • Sending some information to the Grants Office for an addendum to the Texas Corequisite Project grant
  • Inviting a couple of faculty to attend THECB’s Star Award luncheon in November (ACC is a finalist for our Z-Degree/OER work)
  • Meeting with colleagues in IT about the infrastructure needs to support an effective early alert system
  • Etc.

Pinballing between and among and across and down and over through all of the above.  It was a typical day!

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.  No attribution required.

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