Student Supports

Do you know what support services ACC offers to our students?  There may be more than you realize.  Here’s a link to an overview of available supports, resources, and services for our students.

If any of your students appear to be experiencing academic challenges, you can refer them to academic coaches or the learning labs or accessibility services.  If any of your students seem to be struggling financially, we have the money management office or the emergency fund or work study options.  If any of your students appear to be dealing with “life” issues, we have a food pantry and counseling services and child care options.

Seventy-eight percent of our students are part-time students.  For most, that means they work and typically also have family responsibilities.  A flat tire can torpedo their efforts to get to class because they can’t afford to get it fixed.  A child care arrangement that falls through can mean they can’t get their paper finished by the deadline.  A boss who calls them into work unexpectedly means they’ve lost study time for an exam.

Life happens to all of us.  As we begin a new academic year focusing on the life-altering impact of educational opportunity, remember as well that we offer more than an education. We offer help with the rest that life can throw out.  I encourage you to ensure that your students know what additional tools and resources are available to them.  In this way, too, knowledge can be power.

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