Google Apps at ACC

Google Apps at ACC
Available September 15th

Austin Community College is getting student email. ACC is teaming up with Google Apps for Education to provide personalized email accounts to all ACC students by September 15th It’s called ACCmail and will allow the college community to share information and ideas more easily. And that’s not all.

Google Apps at ACC is the name of ACC’s installation of Google Apps for Education, a suite of online software applications that Google offers to educational institutions and non-profit organizations. The package includes Gmail (ACCmail), Web-based word processing and spreadsheet programs, sharable calendars, chat, and more.

What do students get?
Get connected. Your new ACCmail address will be used for communications with the college.
Communicate directly with ACC instructors.
Receive updates on key ACC dates and events.
In case of emergency, ACCmail provides you with critical information.
Gigabytes of email storage. No more worries about having to delete email.
Search your email instantly.
Organize replies and conversations.
Chat is built right in
Get your mail on the go
All the benefits of Google apps such as Google Calendar, Google Docs, and Google Talks.
No advertising, no spamming.
And it’s all free!

Take a look at Google Apps Education Edition and its features .

Check the ACC homepage for more information regarding Google Apps and ACCmail in the near future.

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