Alumni Council elects new members

The Austin Community College Alumni Network Advisory Council recently elected 11 new members.

The council develops programming to help connect alumni while fostering a sense of pride and devotion to the college. They represent the Alumni Network around the district and are spearheading shared interest groups for its members.

“Like their fellow members, they are passionate about their ACC experience and bring their distinctive perspectives and backgrounds to bear for all ACC alumni,” says Alumni Director MaryAnn Cicala.

The Alumni Network represents more than 325,000 former students who make up ACC’s alumni community.  Visit the ACC Alumni Network website to learn more.

Newly elected members and their graduation year are:

New Alumni Council members include, front row (l to r): Autumn Rodge, Cynthia Hernandez, Jessica Avelar, Anne Arellano, Marisela Garcia-Carcamo, Liz Ramon, Jessica Jackson. Back row (l-r): Paul Theobald, Kolby Monnig, Arnold Perez, and Ronnie Williams

Alumni Council members include, front row (l to r): Autumn Rodge, Cynthia Hernandez, Jessica Avelar, Anne Arellano, Marisela Garcia-Carcamo, Liz Ramon, Jessica Jackson. Back row (l-r): Paul Theobald, Kolby Monnig, Arnold Perez, and Ronnie Williams.

Anne Arellano (2014)
Jessica Avelar (2013)
Marisela Garcia Carcamo (2012)
Samantha Davis (2012)
Jessica Jackson (2003/2013)
Cynthia Hernandez (1987/1994)
Lynn Kindler (1986)
Kolby Monnig (2015)
Liz Ramon (2011)
Kristin Starr (2014)
Ronnie Lee Williams (2015)


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