ACC hosts information sessions for IT accelerated training program

Austin Community College (ACC) hosts a series of information sessions for those interested in becoming a local area network administrator. The college’s Career ACCelerator Program will launch new training for this high-demand IT field beginning spring 2018.

Career ACCelerator offers students a self-paced training schedule that allows students to be job-ready in as little as one year. Students can receive financial assistance, paid internships, and an opportunity to earn a stackable certificate that counts toward a college degree.

“IT jobs are some of the most in-demand careers in our region,” says David Borden, program director. “Career ACCelerator can help you get started in a great-paying job. You have the foundation for building on your skill set in order to grow and move up in your field.”

Career ACCelerator students attend class four days a week, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., during spring and fall semesters. In summer, they have a paid internship that offers real-world experience. Tuition assistance is available to qualified students through Capital IDEA.

Information sessions will be held at the Highland Business Center (5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.)

  • November 6 | 10am – noon | Room 301.7
  • November 16 | 10am – noon | Room 301.0
  • November 28 | 10am – noon | Room 301.0

To learn more and to register for an information session, visit

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