The Giving Tree 2018

The content of this post is a copy of Eriko Tyner’s email message to be shared with faculty during November 2018.

Call for Faculty and Staff Sponsors

The Giving Tree is an annual event run by the Support Center in an effort to share our holiday spirit by buying a gift or a gift card for the children of our Riverside Support Center students and students who have been in foster care system or adopted.

All the Support Center students live with income that’s under the federal poverty line, and sincerely appreciate any gift that they are able to give to their children.

We are also supporting our students in the Former Foster Care Youth program by providing them with a gift card. They often lack support from their family members, and this is an opportunity to support our students and spread holiday cheer.

I am also looking for people who can donate gift cards from HEB, Walmart, and Target. They are for the families who prefer receiving gift cards or used when students with children have an emergency/crisis during the school year, hoping to prevent them from withdrawing from classes.

Giving Tree Tags are ready to be picked up so please contact Eriko Tyner at 512-223-6026 or [email protected] or RVS Building G, Room 8112 (stop by, call or email and I will get a tag to you) if you would like to pick a tag.

The tag will provide a child’s name, age, gender, and a gift wish or a former foster care youth’s gift card request and information.


  1. Pick out a tag.
  2. Save the tag.
  3. Buy the gift.
  4. Wrap the gift.
  5. Attach the tag to the wrapped gift.
  6. Return the wrapped gift with the tag by November 28th, Wednesday 2018. (THE LATEST) to Eriko Tyner room 8112 (inside of Student Services).

Eriko Tyner, LMSW
Special Populations Advocate
Austin Community College Support Center
Riverside Building G, Room 8112
Office: 512.223.6026
Fax: 512.223.6157

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