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District voters approve a $770 million bond package for new campuses in southwest and southeast Travis County. ACC will also use funds to expand programs to serve its annual enrollment of 70,000-plus students, and add space for important support services such as child care.

Immediately following the resounding approval by approximately 70% of Austin Community College District voters, work has commenced on districtwide improvement projects funded by the $770 million general obligation bond. The comprehensive package addresses critical needs, including the establishment of new campuses in southwest and southeast Travis County, expansions of high-demand programs, and increased support for student services like child care and healthcare. ACC Chancellor Dr. Richard Rhodes emphasizes the strategic allocation of funds across north, south, and central regions to accommodate the community’s growth and ensure accessibility to key workforce programs. This substantial investment aligns with ACC’s mission to enhance social mobility, a sentiment echoed by Dr. Nan McRaven, ACC Board of Trustees Chair, who expresses gratitude to the community for affirming ACC’s role as a vital partner in workforce development. Serving around 70,000 students annually, ACC plays a pivotal role in Central Texas, with nearly 80% of graduates contributing to the local workforce. The bond’s approval signifies not only confidence in ACC’s commitment to education but also the profound impact the institution has had on individuals and the broader community, reinforcing its standing as a cornerstone of higher education and workforce development in the region.