Cultivating Community through Art: Sam Coronado’s Serie Project and its Continuing Legacy Exhibition

The Art Galleries (TAG) at Austin Community College presents: 
Cultivating Community through Art: Sam Coronado’s Serie Project and its Continuing Legacy 

Location: HLC 2.2450 Gallery 2000 in the Highland Campus

About the exhibition: 

Exhibition dates: September 15 – December 8, 2022 

This exhibition highlights the wide-reaching influence of Sam Coronado (1946 – 2013) former ACC professor, artist mentor, and Chicano art movement icon. Coronado’s teachings and guidance made a lasting impact on Austin’s artistic community and many others beyond Texas borders. A substantial element to his legacy is the grant-funded Serie Project (1993-2013), which provided new opportunities for hundreds of emerging and established artists to learn screen-printing techniques by producing prints at Coronado Studio, located in the Austin neighborhood of Montopolis. 

Coronado’s commitment to equity, inclusion, and education reverberates through his work at the Serie Project, his time at ACC, and his mentorship to students. Coronado ensured that the high-quality works made at the studio were reproducible, affordable, and represented the viewpoints of undervalued communities. This exhibition demonstrates the far-reaching impacts and new opportunities that can be cultivated through persistence and dedication to the arts.

To learn more about this exhibition, visit: