You are invited to a special Artists in Conversation event held in conjunction with the Fall 2022 exhibition Cultivating Community through Art: Sam Coronado’s Serie Project and its Continuing Legacy. This hybrid event is a collaboration between The Art Galleries (TAG) at Austin Community College, Coronado Print Studio, the Serie Project, and the Arts and Digital Media Division, ACC.
Join us on Thursday, December 1 at 5:00pm at the zoom link below or in HLC 2.1550 on ACC Highland Campus.
The following guests will join Gallery Director, Peter Bonfitto, on Thursday, December 1 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on ACC Highland Campus for this live-streamed and in-person roundtable event:
Pepe Coronado, former master printmaker at Coronado Studio and founder of Coronado Print Studio in Montopolis, Austin
Alma Lopez, Serie Project artist and lecturer in the Cesar E. Chavez Department of Chicana/o and Central American Studies and LGBTQ Studies Program at UCLA
Tatiana Reinoza, art historian specializing in Chicano/a Studies and Assistant Professor of Art History at Notre Dame
Luis Valderas, multi-disciplinary artist from South Texas and Serie Project artist-in-residence
To RSVP for this event, click here. In-person attendance will be limited to 100 people.
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 919 3125 2171
Passcode: 172351