Reflection and Renewal: Chican(x)Futurism in Texas
September 23-December 12, 2024
Gallery 2000 (HLC 2.2450)
Highland Campus
Gallery hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10-5
Free and open to the public
For more information visit:
Image: Angel Cabrales, A Vision in the Parallel (image still), 2019, video installation
Opening Reception | October 5, 6pm – 8pm
The Art Galleries (TAG) at ACC are hosting a reception for the exhibition Reflection and
Renewal: Chican(x)Futurism in Texas on Saturday, October 5 at ACC Highland Campus. The
reception starts at 6:00pm and is free and open to the public. This event is catered, with live
music from our ACC Music Students. The exhibition takes place in Gallery 2000 of our Highland
Campus (HLC 2.2450), and the reception takes place just downstairs from the Gallery in our
reception area.