Office of Human Resources: HR Update | Faculty & Staff

To: All ACC Employees

From: Geraldine J. Tucker, Vice Chancellor, Human Resources

Date: March 27, 2020 

RE: HR Update

As the college continues to respond to the impact of the Coronavirus, we appreciate your patience and work to ensure college operations continue to support our students. While the recent shelter in place affects individuals, the college is an essential business and we will continue to take precautions to protect the health and safety of employees and prevent the spread of the Coronavirus while continuing to service our students.

The purpose of this memo is to provide you with information and resources. Please visit the ACC Coronavirus website each day to learn about the latest developments, tools and directives. The following information is in response to questions we have received in the Office of Human Resources.

Coronavirus – Self-Reporting

An online reporting form has been created for students and employees to report their travel or other activity related to the Coronavirus. Employees who have traveled or been in a part of the U.S. where community spread has been officially declared, at that time or after that time, should also complete the self-report form. Once the form is received, a college representative will contact the employee regarding the need to self-quarantine.

If the college agrees that self-quarantine is necessary, employees who are asked to self-quarantine may continue working remotely during the self-quarantine. The employee must be quarantined for a total of 14 days (including weekends). If the employee cannot work remotely, the employee will be granted up to two weeks (10 working days) of paid administrative leave for self-quarantine.

Employees who feel they are high risk (no symptoms, no travel) or who need to stay home with their children can use sick, personal, and vacation time, with the approval of the supervisor. If you run out of sick, personal and vacation time, the employee should make a request to use approved leave without pay during this time period.

Work Schedule

Non-faculty employees are expected to maintain their regular work schedule, whether working as an essential employee or working remotely and must be available for work. Employees who work remotely must be responsive to calls, texts, and instant messages within one hour or less of contact; review and respond to emails, communicate with their supervisor; work with other employees on work assignments and projects, as needed, and be available for regular check-ins with their supervisor.

Essential employees and employees coming onto a campus, who may have employment external to their ACC position, are asked to mitigate exposure to the Coronavirus by not engaging in other employment at this time.


Non-faculty employees may not work overtime unless the supervisor determines the tasks are essential to business operations.

PEP and Events

Due to the current situation, the college will suspend the PEP process for performance evaluations until summer. Employees will be notified about the new process once the College returns to full business operations.

Service Award ceremonies, Appreciation luncheons and Employee Wellness exercise classes have also been suspended until the fall. Employees will be notified of the new dates.

Complaints in Process

The Office of Compliance will continue to accept and process student and employee complaints regarding misconduct, harassment and discrimination. The office can be reached at [email protected] or (512) 223-7964.

Employee Assistance

During this stressful time, employees may have many questions about our operations. The Ombudsperson, Amanda Dean, is available to talk with employees. Ms. Dean can be reached at [email protected] or (512) 223-1070.


The Office of Human Resources has assembled a list of professional development opportunities, wellness training, mental health resources, childcare facilities, and other materials to share with employees.

These resources can be found on the ACC Coronavirus website under ACC Employee resources. The information includes:

  • EAP COVID-19 information and mental health resources
  • ACC HR Health/Medical and Wellness Resources
  • Mediation Apps, and Yoga on YouTube
  • ACC Professional Development and learning opportunities
  • Childcare resources in the area (Compliments of the City of Austin)

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