Dear Riverbats,
On Tuesday, May 18, Governor Greg Abbott issued a new executive order that changes the mandate for face coverings in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It impacts where, when, and who’s required to wear a mask. We reviewed this order with our legal team and will be making changes to ACC’s health and safety protocols to meet state requirements.
Beginning Thursday, May 20, ACC will no longer require anyone to wear a facial covering while visiting our campuses, centers, or facilities. The option to wear a mask will be voluntary.
The college also is examining all COVID-19 health and safety protocols and procedures to see what, if any other changes, may be necessary.
We continue to make COVID-19 vaccines available on campus. So far, we’ve hosted three vaccination days. Some of you will be at Highland Campus this Friday, May 21, for your second dose. We expect to host another first-round vaccination clinic on June 4 at ACC Highland in Building 2000.
I appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we make this transition together. We continue to encourage everyone to maintain safe social distancing practices and ask that you stay home if you’re not feeling well. You’ll find details on our COVID-19 informational website at
Richard M. Rhodes, Ph.D.
Austin Community College District