The following is the Austin Community College District’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Informed Decision-Making Process as related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Messages disseminated from the chancellor reflect official college decisions, policies, and procedures related to the emergency situation.
- Receives information from: Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Cabinet, and employee and student associations.
- Disseminates information to: Entire ACC community via mass communication (website, mass email, video message, ACCTV) or by cascading directives down through direct reports.
Emergency Operations Center Team
The EOC team is a permanent standing committee that convenes during emergencies and periods of major operational disruption. The EOC is the primary avenue where new information about campus disruptions is received, considered, and escalated to the Chancellor for final consideration, action, and dissemination to the broad college community.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the EOC established — and routinely engages with — a temporary Return to Campus Advisory Committee (RTCAC) to work through current issues, learn of new issues, gain feedback, and review messages in an effort to increase awareness and mitigate COVID-19 disruptions.
EOC Team
- Chair: EVC Campus Operations and Public Affairs
- Provost & EVC Academic Affairs
- EVC Finance & Administration
- VC Safety & Operations
- VC Human Resources
- VC Student Affairs
- VC Planning/Dev/Eval
- VC College Relations & Marketing
- VC Instruction
- VC Information Technology
- AVC Community & Public Affairs
- ED Quality Control and Project Mgmt.
- ED Regulatory Affairs
Information Flow To/From
- Local external partners (Big 5 government/institutional partners)
- State agencies (THECB, DSHS, Governor’s Office, Legislature)
- National agencies (CDC, DHS, Department of Ed, etc.)
- Other partners (TACC, Texas community colleges, AACC)
- Return to Campus Advisory Committee (RTCAC)
- EOC direct reports
- Working teams composed of subject matter experts and key stakeholders
- Employee and student organizations
Disseminating Information
- Information from EOC goes to RTCAC for review and feedback
- Final recommendations are sent to the chancellor for consideration and communication
- Subject matter experts share detailed information on information relating to key areas: Human Resources, Safety & Operations, Instruction, Student Services, IT, etc.
Return to Campus Advisory Committee (RTCAC)
The Return to Campus Advisory Committee (RTCAC) is a temporary group established specifically to consider issues related to the needs of students, faculty, and staff as the college contemplates a safe return to campus during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The purpose of the RTCAC is to serve as an additional pathway of information to the EOC. The EOC will present protocols and procedures to the RTCAC for consideration and discussion before presenting those plans to the Chancellor for broad dissemination. Likewise, the RTCAC will identify issues happening at the campus/student/instructional level and escalate those issues to the EOC for consideration.
The overlap between the EOC and RTCAC membership is purposeful to ensure that issues raised at the RTCAC level are fully explored at the EOC and vice-versa.
Return to Campus Advisory Committee
- Chair: VC Safety & Operations
- VC Human Resources
- VC Instruction
- VC College Relatins & Marketing
- AVC Student Affairs
- VC Community & Public Affairs
- Dean Library Services
- President APTE
- President CEA
- President Faculty Senate
- President AFA
- ED Quality Control/Safety & Operations
- ED Regulatory Affairs
Receives information from:
- Their individual constituencies
Disseminates information to:
- Their individual constituencies