Scholarships help students persevere and institute the change they want to see in the world

Rashonda – ACC Foundation General Scholarship Recipient

Rashonda – ACC Foundation General Scholarship Recipient

I have been through a lot in my 26 years of life, from being in the foster care system to being homeless and raising three boys alone. I am very determined to not only be successful for myself and my own children but for the children who are currently in the foster care system. I plan on receiving my Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and later, my master’s. I believe that everything that I have experienced in life is not only for me; it is to build and inspire others. I am determined, I am loyal, I am kind, I am funny, I am passionate, I am persistent and I am also very serious about the lives of those suffering in poverty. I not only want to make a difference in this world, I want to be the difference, and there are so many like-minded people in the world. Imagine if we all get together and contribute to being the difference this world needs. There would be no poverty, only success, only prosperity! These are a few characteristics of who I am but honestly, who am I if I am not contributing to bettering anyone outside of myself? I am no one. All of my characteristics are meaningless if I do not use them to assist someone in accomplishing his or her goals, whether it is helping a young mother receive housing, or leading a troubled teen down the right path or helping a homeless man find a career. I believe a part of the reason we were put on this earth is to serve and that is what I want to do with my social work degree. That is who I am, a server.

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