Attendance Policy:
To comply with federal attendance requirements, the absence policy for IEP levels 1-4 is the following:
1) Missing 5-10% of the class (96-192 minutes) = Warning.
2) Missing 15% of the class (288 minutes) = Automatic fail, but you must continue attending and participating to avoid being suspended from ACC.
3) Missing 20% of the class (384 minutes): Your I-20 is terminated, and you are suspended from ACC for 1 year.
Level Advancement:
To advance to the next level of IEP classes, a student must receive a grade of at least a C (70%). If students do not pass BOTH Reading AND Writing, they must remain in the same level for all classes.
Eligibility for College Classes:
Texas Success Initiative
Students in IEP level 4 will take the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) test during the semester. If the scores meet college readiness standards and they receive a B in IEP exit level Reading and Writing courses, then students may take college level classes at ACC the following 16-week semester.
If students are enrolled in lEP level 4 in the first 8 weeks of a 16 week semester, they must continue in the IEP Bridge level for the next eight weeks. This program consists of 1 credit classes with supplementary IEP language classes.
If a student does not pass IEP 4 Reading and Writing with a B, he/she must still take TSI, but will be required to take the IEP Bridge program.
F1 students CANNOT take TSI and skip any IEP levels.
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