SAN MARCOS GROUP PETITIONS TO JOIN THE ACC DISTRICT Tuition Would be Reduced by More Than 50% for San Marcos Students

In an effort to make higher education more accessible to San Marcos students, the San Marcos/ACC Yes! Coalition is officially kicking-off a petition drive this week to join the Austin Community College district. The petition calls for a February ’05 election, so that San Marcos residents can vote on the issue.

“This effort is about giving San Marcos residents, especially our young people, greater access to higher education,” said Albert Sierra, co-chair of the coalition. “We know that students need more education to gain the skills they need to be successful in the workplace. Our college-bound students also need greater access to community college courses,” he added.

Joining ACC’s district would qualify San Marcos residents for reduced in-district tuition. As district members San Marcos students would pay $144 for a three-hour credit course, rather than the out-of-district price of $318, a savings of more than 50%.

“ACC is a regional college that helps Central Texas residents pursue their higher education goals, and is the primary trainer and re-trainer of the local workforce,” said Dr. Robert Aguero, ACC President.

Austin Community College has worked closely with the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District to ensure that more students transition to college after high school. A joint effort earlier this year between the college and San Marcos High School was successful in completing the ACC application process for more than 300 graduates. On graduation day, those graduates also received a letter of acceptance from ACC with their diplomas.

“There is no doubt that cutting tuition by more than half for local students would give many more an opportunity to go to college,” said Dr. Sylvester Perez, SMCISD Superintendent of Schools. “The investment would give us a more educated community, which is the goal Texas State, ACC, SMCISD and community leaders are all trying to achieve.”

If voters ultimately approve the measure, ACC could build a much needed campus in San Marcos. Currently, about 600 San Marcos residents take classes at ACC’s San Marcos Centers. Since 1999, the college has seen an average annual growth of over four percent in students from the Hays County area. Many of those students seek workforce education and training not currently available in San Marcos through Texas State University.

“The San Marcos community effort, like Del Valle’s recent decision to join ACC reflects a growing awareness of the value of ACC in supporting local workforce development initiatives,” said Dr. Steve Kinslow, ACC Executive Vice President, Academic, Student, and Campus Affairs.

The San Marcos/ACC Coalition is made up of local residents. The group must collect the signatures from five percent of San Marcos CISD registered voters before turning them into the Hays County Commissioners Court for approval.

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