Congratulations to March Riverbats Bravo Recipients

Congratulations to the following Riverbats Bravo award recipients for March.

Nominated by their colleagues, Riverbats Bravo award recipients will be eligible for the Riverbats Excellence award given each semester to one employee from each campus.

Visit the Riverbats Bravo awards webpage to learn about the program, view award criteria, or access a nomination form, or contact Linda Johnson for more information.

Cypress Creek

David Ely

Christy Garner

Christine Rhyne


Melissa Tavassoli

Highland Business Center

John Kennie

Jennifer Krummel

Vic Smith


Rhonda Blair*

Eva Bush

Jamie Bushek

Frank Cronin

Talisia McHugh

David Moore*

Priscilla Nino

Paul Northup*

Roy Shipp

*Campus police officers working at multiple campuses


Vincent Ledesma

George Sweeney

Rachel Dayton

Round Rock

Patricia Beck

Bethany Bell

San Marcos Center

Simona Montana

Service Center

Kristine Elderkin

Larry Russell

South Austin

Betsy Erwin

Michael McCarter

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