Beginning this fall, ACC courses that support students in their transition into and success in college (often referred to as “success classes”) will be offered under the program name Student Development (SDEV).
The new name will make it easier for students to find and identify the classes, which previously were listed as Human Development (HUDE) courses. The impacted courses are:
- Transition to College Success (HUDE 0111)
- Frameworks for Mathematics and Collegiate Learning (EDUC 1300)
- Effective Learning — Strategies for College Success (PSYC 1300)
- Career Exploration/Planning (POFT 1300)
HUDE 0111 will become SDEV 0111. The other courses will keep their current prefixes and numbers.
“With ACC’s growing emphasis on student success, we are changing the name of our department to Student Development so that students can more easily locate those courses that support their learning,” says Student Development Professor Tobin Quereau.
These elective courses are available to new and returning students. Find details about the courses in the ACC Catalog or visit the the College Skills & Career Planning webpage.
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