Prospective students get individualized help with college and career-planning needs
Austin Community College invites the community to explore the college’s new pop-up help center on Thursday, July 9, and get answers to the most-asked questions about college: Can I afford it? Do I have time? Can I do it?
The College Destination Center @ ACC offers individualized help with college and career planning. Students receive one-on-one assistance with enrollment, financial aid, TSI preparation, and support services. They also may register for workshops on topics such as financial aid, career exploration, and testing.
The open house runs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Highland Business Center (5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.).
Historically, more than 90 percent of Central Texas high school graduates have said they will attend college directly after high school. Research shows that many begin that process, but only 60 percent actually follow through.
ACC is working in collaboration with local ISDs and community partners such as Capital IDEA, TG, E3 Alliance, and the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce at the center to help prospective students through registration hurdles.
To RSVP for the open house visit:
Tags: 1-on-1, advising, Capital IDEA, career exploration, College Destination Center @ ACC, college preparation, E3 Alliance, enroll, TG
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