Emergency Preparedness Week is Tuesday, September 8 through Friday, September 11, on all Austin Community College campuses.
ACC designates the third week of each semester as Emergency Preparedness Week to test emergency systems and inform the campus community what they should do if an emergency or disaster occurs on campus.
The week will include unannounced building evacuation drills at some campuses. The college also will test its emergency alert system on Wednesday, September 9, at 10 a.m. Employees can verify their emergency contact information in Online Services.
Faculty/supervisor responsibilities
Faculty and those with supervisory duties are responsible for knowing emergency and building evacuation procedures to inform and assist students or department members. Following are a few specific faculty and supervisor responsibilities for building evacuations:
- Close but do not lock your classroom or office door. Take valuables with you (if in the same room).
- With your students or staff, proceed to the nearest safe exit. Posted Campus Safety Plans indicate building exits, areas of rescue assistance, and rally points.
- You are responsible for assisting those who cannot use stairs to a designated area of rescue assistance and then notifying an emergency coordinator (wearing an orange vest) or police officer of their location. Do not use elevators.
- Report to the designated rally point where students are to check in with their instructor and department members are to check in with their supervisors.
- At the rally point, report anyone unaccounted for to an emergency coordinator. Do not leave the rally point or the campus unless you are injured and in the care of emergency personnel. Campus evacuations need to be done carefully to avoid traffic chaos.
Be prepared
The Emergency website features additional information and resources such as classroom posters to download and print. The website also includes safety videos and information about emergency notifications, including directions on downloading the free emergency mobile app.
Give input
Those participating in a drill should watch for a survey about the experience. Evaluating procedures helps ACC improve processes and demonstrate its compliance with federal safety regulations.
For more information contact Kristine Elderkin, emergency management coordinator, [email protected].
Tags: campus safety, Emergency Preparedness Week
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