The Austin Community College District (ACC) will provide specialized job training for EPIC Piping Inc. through a $1.7 million Skills Development Fund grant awarded by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). The training will help hundreds of manufacturing workers upgrade their skills for new, in-demand jobs.
“Skills grants deliver customized training solutions that help Texas employers and workers succeed in the marketplace,” says TWC Chairman Andres Alcantar. “This investment builds not only employee skills, but the capacity of Austin Community College to build partnerships that meet the needs of employers in the region. We are pleased to make this investment.”
ACC’s Continuing Education Division will deliver comprehensive training programs to 554 employees with focused instruction on fabrication, pipefitting, welding, tacking, and industrial painting.
“Our partnership with ACC is a long-term investment. The training programs impact the entire EPIC operation,” says Kent Shepherd, EPIC Piping president of domestic fabrication. “Employees get the specialized training they need, and the Central Texas community benefits from a more highly skilled workforce.”
“The partnership with EPIC Piping and ACC is extremely important to the regional economy,” says Adriana Cruz, Greater San Marcos Partnership president. “The training will not only increase opportunity for individuals at EPIC but for other area employers, which will also lead to greater prosperity for our entire community.”
Skills Development Fund grants have created or upgraded more than 300,000 jobs throughout the state since its inception in 1996.
“We’re developing custom pathways to preserve and enhance the pipeline of highly skilled workers,” says Dr. Richard Rhodes, ACC president and CEO. “It’s great for the economy and great for the individuals who receive that training.”
For more information about the Continuing Education Division at ACC visit
Tags: Check presentation, Continuing Education, EPIC Piping, Inc, Skills Development Fund, Texas Workforce Commission
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