The Austin Community College District (ACC) is opening three campuses from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, January 9, for students who want to start college this spring but still need to sign up for classes.
Destination: ACC Saturday, held at ACC Highland, Cypress Creek, and Riverside Campuses, is a day dedicated to helping students enroll and register for class.
“It’s not too late. We have a team of faculty and staff who will be on hand ready to help students explore their options and get through the enrollment steps,” says Patty Behr, ACC director of enrollment management.
Prospective students and their families can learn about ACC programs, enrollment steps, financial aid, career planning, and transfer guidance. Computer stations and one-on-one assistance will be available for visitors wanting to complete an application or other admission steps.
Participants are encouraged to bring the following items for enrollment and registration:
- Photo ID
- Proof of residency
- High school or college assessment scores
- College or GED transcripts
For more information or to RSVP, visit or contact ACC’s College Destination Center at 512-223-7747.
Spring classes begin January 19.
Tags: ACC Highland, College Destination Center @ ACC, Cypress Creek Campus, Destination: ACC, enrollment, Riverside Campus
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