From the Student Services VP: Guided pathways, staff appointments, planning software updates

With the new semester off to a great start, I wanted to share some updates regarding guided pathways, staff appointments, ACC’s registration and degree planning systems, and spring hours of operation.

Guided pathways

Student Services is working with other college areas on our guided pathways implementation. Some specific things on our “to-do” list include:

  • Work with instructional departments on program mapping.
  • Rework the admissions application to reflect the 10 areas of study.
  • Update online orientation.
  • Develop a face-to-face information session for each area of study.
  • Develop a process for assigning advisors and students to areas of study.

Many of our staff also will serve as subject matter experts for the pathways implementation team chaired by Provost Dr. Charles Cook and Dr. Susan Thomason, director of instructional development services.

Staff changes

I’m happy to introduce an addition to our Student Services leadership and announce new roles for four of our colleagues.

Karen Serna has been hired to direct our new Office of Student Money Management. Karen comes to ACC from Foundation Communities, where she most recently served as director of asset building programs.

As director of academic and career advising, Kathy James will help ensure our advising services support collegewide goals of increased student engagement, retention, and completion. Kathy has been an advising supervisor at multiple ACC campuses for the past nine years.

Holly Delacroix-Derouen is director of testing. Holly will lead our efforts to strengthen processes for academic and assessment testing. She has been with ACC for 10 years.

Ruth Reinhart became acting dean at South Austin Campus effective January 3. She has been an ACC counselor since 2006.

Counselor Rosa Rodriguez-Alvarez will serve as assistant dean of student services at Riverside to support Dean Dr. Rachel Ruiz as she devotes time to the pathways implementation team.

Student Planning/Degree Map

In the coming weeks the college will launch the new Student Planning application and a new version of the Degree Map tool. The Student Planning application will go live over spring break. Both WebAdvisor and Student Planning will be available for summer registration, with a complete transition to Student Planning planned in advance of fall registration.

 In the coming weeks the college will launch the new Student Planning application and a new version of the Degree Map tool.

We’re also implementing a new version of the Degree Map software to support new student advising and the degree planning instruction provided in student success courses.

Faculty and staff training for both applications will be offered soon. Details and schedules are forthcoming.

Spring hours effective February 1

Hours for several Student Services functions have been modified slightly to expand Saturday hours at certain locations and to support the transition to guided pathways. I am continuing to review hours to develop schedules that accommodate peak and non-peak periods and provide extended hours for some services at select campuses as needed.

Below are spring hours for Counseling, Advising, Student Accessibility Services (SAS), Support Center, Admissions & Records, Financial Aid, and the Student Services Information Center (formerly the Help Desk). Hours for all other Student Services operations remain the same.

Day Hours of operation
Monday 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Tuesday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m
Thursday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday* 8 a.m. – noon
Saturday** 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at HLC, RRC, RVS, NRG, CYP SAC, EVC, and the Student Services Information Center

*The Student Services Information Center will be staffed until 5 p.m. on Fridays.

**SAS, Support Center, and Financial Aid are available on the first Saturday of each month only.

HLC, RRC, RVS, and the Student Services Information Center will be open until 4 p.m. on these Saturdays during peak registration periods: April 30, May 7, and May 14. There will be no Saturday services on March 12, March 19, March 26, and May 28.

Exciting things are in store for ACC! I’m grateful for the work you do each day to ensure our students have the resources and support they need to succeed.


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