Six ACC students recently competed at the 2016 Collegiate DECA International Career Development Conference in Washington, D.C. DECA is an international organization open to all high school and college students interested in the business world.
West Budreau received first place out of 80 competitors in the Entrepreneurship-Growing Your Business event, which required him to develop a business and build a case for funding. During his live presentation, Budreau gave a presentation outlining his business and expansion goals in order to gain the judge’s support for funding.
Christina Crean and Amie Calhoun placed among the top 10 teams in Sports and Entertainment event, which consisted of developing a strategic plan that addresses a case study in the sports and/or entertainment field. Crean and Calhoun had approximately one hour to analyze a case study and develop a solution to present to a judge.
“Collegiate DECA events are highly competitive. It takes a lot of work for students to make it into finals, let alone place,” says Kathy Walton, ACC’s DECA chapter advisor. “I’m very proud of our students and the hard work they put into the competition.”
The competition included approximately 1,700 students from the United States and Canada.
Other ACC students who attended were Lindsey Rothring, Victor Karlsson, and Joshua Koshy, who was elected the 2016-2017 state president.
To learn more about ACC’s DECA chapter, contact Walton at [email protected] or 512-223-7213.
Tags: competition, DECA
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