Austin Community College faculty interested in working on a project to create open educational resources that are used statewide and available to instructors around the world should apply by Friday, July 29.
ACC is collaborating with three other Texas community colleges to develop degree programs that can be completed using open resources instead of proprietary textbooks. The project is funded by a grant from Achieving the Dream. (See ACC receives grant to develop open educational resources.)
The colleges will create materials for 26 courses that lead to an associate of arts or science in general studies. Full-time or adjunct faculty may apply to help develop the nine courses that will be created by ACC or review those created by partner colleges.
Courses to be developed are: BIOL 1406, BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402, EDUC 1300, GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306, MATH 1332, PHYS 1401, and PHYS 1402.
Courses to be reviewed are: ECON 2301, ECON 2302, ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302, ENGL 2311, HIST 1301, HIST 1302, CHEM 1105, CHEM 1111, CHEM 1305, CHEM 1311, MUSI 1306, PHIL 1301, PHIL 2306, SOCI 1301, SPCH 1311, and SPCH 1315.
Faculty will receive training and professional development as well as support from ACC instructional designers and librarians and input from grant partners (Alamo Colleges, San Jacinto College, and El Paso Community College). The college also will work with Lumen Learning and the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources.
See details and information about compensation at Faculty Application for Participation in the ATD Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant.
For questions contact Dr. Gaye Lynn Scott, [email protected], or Dr. Charles Cook, [email protected].
Tags: Achieving the Dream, OER, Open Educational Resources
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