The following is provided by the Human Resources Department.
Professional development – are you in compliance?
As a reminder, all employees are required to complete ADA Awareness and Sexual Harassment Prevention training. New employees are required to complete the training within 30 days of employment. Current employees are required to complete supplemental training every two years.
This year employees will access a new ADA Awareness online training module with a “Teaching” option for full-time and adjunct faculty and a “Non-Teaching” option for staff.
Employees may register for ADA Awareness and Sexual Harassment Prevention through the Workshop and Event Registration database. For information, visit the Staff Professional Development and Evaluation Programs website (
New online tech training
Staff Professional Development in collaboration with the Information Technology Department is introducing “ACC Tech Talks: A virtual town hall project.” ACC Tech Talks are short video tutorials delivered to employees’ email inbox. Subject matter experts present information in a “walk-through” scenario. Employees can pause the video to watch at their convenience. A new video will be produced monthly.
At the end of the videos, employees can submit a brief evaluation and earn professional development credit. Employees will receive an ACC Tech Talks email with more details.
Employees who would like to suggest a video topic or offer their expertise as a technologies/applications subject matter expert should contact [email protected] or Vanessa Medina-Flores at [email protected].
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month employees are encouraged to take steps to learn about breast cancer and its prevention:
- Women should talk to their doctor about their breast cancer risk, especially if a close family member has had breast or ovarian cancer. The American Cancer Society webpage What Are the Risk Factors for Breast Cancer? offers questions for assessing risk.
- Women ages 40 to 49 should talk with their doctors about having mammograms, including frequency.
- Women ages 50 to 74 should have a mammogram every two years, and possibly more often.
About 1 in 8 women in the United States will get breast cancer, the second most common type of cancer in women. The good news is that many can survive with early detection and treatment.
View What You Need to Know about Getting a Mammogram for more information, or visit the American Cancer Society’s website.
New TRS videos offer retirement savings advice
The Teachers Retirement System of Texas is introducing brief online videos about retirement planning. The videos are aimed at individuals at the beginning, middle, and end of their working years and have helpful information for all employees, regardless of whether they’re TRS members.
New segments in the Financial Awareness Video Series will be added throughout fall and spring and will focus on three related themes:
- Your TRS benefit plan: Topics cover the TRS pension plan and estimating TRS retirement benefits. Spoiler alert: Pension, benefit, and annuity all mean the same thing.
- What you need to save toward retirement: Videos will look at whether an employee’s TRS pension will provide enough income in retirement (and why the answer is probably “no”). Other topics include adjusting for inflation and Social Security eligibility — which impacts ACC employees.
- Saving smart for retirement: Topics include setting financial goals, enrolling in a 403(b) plan, taking advantage of compound interest, working with financial advisors, and more.
TRS unveils new website design
The TRS website has a new look. Visit the site to become familiar with its updated look, organization, and features.
Deer Oaks EAP newsletters
The October Deer Oaks EAP employee newsletter discusses these topics:
- Gather and Share Your Family Health History
- Online Seminar Reminder: Better Health Through Screening
- Secrets to a Successful Life
- Snippets: Flying Makes my Teeth Hurt; What’s the Equivalent of 100 Calories
- Clinician’s Corner
- Know When it Makes Sense to Rent vs. Buy a New Home
The Supervisor Newsletter includes:
- Workplace Bullying and Disruptive Behavior: What Everyone Needs to Know
- Ask Your EAP
Featured employee discounts for October
Fall into savings with the Advantage Discount Program.
- Save 20 percent on gifts from Godiva.
- Get an accurate, no-obligation auto insurance quote from MetLife — customers save an average of $500.
Access discounts on the Advantage Discount Program website ( or go to the Benefits website and click Employee Discounts.
ACC celebrates recent retirees
ACC celebrates the following retirees. Retirees are recognized at Board of Trustees meetings for their years of service to the college.
Name | Department | Years with ACC |
Gail A. Bunce | Office Administration | 29.5 |
Diana Gatica | Pinnacle Campus Duplication/Mail Room | 27 |
Rita Miller | Financial Accounting & Reporting | 23.5 |
Tags: ACC Tech Talks, ADA training, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, hr connection, trs
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