As you have probably heard, we’re currently realigning our instructional programs. In any realignment or reorganization, an obvious question is, “Why is this needed?”
I think that there are a couple of good reasons. First, of course, is the restructuring of ACC’s programs and degrees into a pathways model based on student-centric areas of study. Aligning the dean areas, to the extent possible, with our newly defined areas of study will help us streamline and enhance student pathways within the areas of study and provide better support for the programs engaged in this work.
A second reason is that we haven’t really changed our basic administrative structure for the instructional division since 1998 — almost 20 years ago — and the last time we added an instructional dean area was 1999. At that time, we had approximately 26,000 students enrolled at six campuses. Today, we have around 42,000 students at 11 campuses. Basically we’ve not added to our instructional administration since 1999. During that time enrollments have grown by 62 percent and the number of campuses has essentially doubled.
While our extremely lean administrative structure has been operationally effective, it is increasingly difficult to maintain the high levels of operational support we need. We’re adding one dean and two associate vice presidents to address this. Because one of the new positions is a reallocated position, we’re essentially only adding two new positions. Even with these additions, we will be very lean administratively compared with our peers.
As mentioned, our intent is to restructure/realign current dean areas with the 10 areas of study as much as possible. As you see below, there are a few differences. Liberal Arts is split into two dean areas because of its size. Also, Culinary, Hospitality, and Tourism will remain administratively with the Business Studies Division although it is a separate area of study. Likewise, the Education area of study will be included with the Public and Social Services Division. So, administrative dean areas will be:
- Liberal Arts – Social and Behavioral
- Liberal Arts – Humanities
- Math & Sciences
- Business Studies (including Culinary, Hospitality and Tourism)
- Health Sciences
- Arts and Creative Media
- Design, Manufacturing, Construction, and Applied Technologies
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Public and Social Services (including Education)
The Continuing Education and Adult Education divisions will retain their current configurations.
We are implementing these changes this fall; however, please note that they will be effective fall 2017. The current dean areas will remain in effect, with the same structure that they currently have, for the rest of this academic year.
You may have seen the postings for the two additional vice presidents (academic transfer and workforce education). We hope to complete the selection process before the winter break. We will also be posting those dean positions without a sitting dean soon, and expect to interview candidates in the spring. The dean positions will be posted internally, and I expect to have very good pool of internal candidates for the positions.
I’ll plan to keep you posted in the coming months. Thanks for your commitment and support.
Mike Midgley
Tags: Academic realignment, From the VP of Instruction
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