I would like to give you an update on our academic realignment, which I initially discussed in the November 2016 “From the VP of Instruction,” and in a December 2016 update. In these communications, I indicated that the positions of associate vice president of academic transfer programs, associate vice president of instructional services and dean of distance learning had been filled. At that time, we were actively interviewing for the associate vice president of workforce education. I am pleased to announce that this key position has now been finalized.
Dr. Gretchen Riehl has accepted the position of associate vice president of workforce education. Dr. Riehl holds a bachelor’s degree in respiratory therapy, and master’s and doctorate degrees in health studies. She currently serves as executive dean of science and physical education at Eastfield College, part of the Dallas County Community College District, and prior to that was at El Centro College, where she served as a faculty member and associate dean of continuing education.
Dr. Riehl’s start date is Monday, February 27. Please join me in extending her a heartfelt congratulations as she begins her career at ACC.
Additionally, I would remind you that dean positions have been posted, with a close date of March 18. We will begin interviewing candidates shortly after that.
Mike Midgley
Tags: From the VP of Instruction, Gretchen Riehl, workforce education
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