Austin Community College (ACC) is the top college in the state of Texas for university transfer, according to a recent ranking by, a student resource website.
The list identifies the top junior, community, and four-year colleges that prepare students for university transfer.
“Classes at ACC are maximally flexible for busy students,” the report states. “With the university transfer/core curriculum program, students are able to easily use credit earned at ACC towards (sic) a bachelor’s degree at a four-year institution.”
ACC maintains partnerships and articulation agreements with dozens of universities statewide and nationally. Co-enrollment programs such as the UT PACE program, Pathways at Texas State, Concordia Connect 3+1, and the Texas A&M-Chevron Engineering Academy at ACC provide students additional opportunities to seamless transfer with their university of choice.
The college hosts university transfer events throughout the year where students can meet with university advisors and learn about admissions requirements and deadlines.
For more information about transfer opportunities and support at ACC, visit To view a listing of upcoming transfer events, visit the Transfer Calendar.
Tags: ranking, Transfer, university
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