Dear ACC Taxpayers,
The District is grateful to the community for its continued support and remains committed to delivering an exceptional return on investment.
ACC is the primary gateway to higher education and career training in Central Texas. The college serves more than 75,000 students each year and ranks among the largest colleges and universities in the nation. Our mission is to ensure every member of the community has access to higher education and the career training required to succeed. For more information on ACC’s programs and services, visit
Board of Trustees
Dr. Barbara P. Mink, Chair
Ms. Gigi Edwards Bryant, Vice Chair
Mr. Mark J. Williams, Secretary
Dr. Nan McRaven
Mr. Sean Hassan
Ms. Nicole Eversmann
Dr. Nora de Hoyos Comstock
Dr. Betty Hwang
Ms. Julie Ann Nitsch
The Austin Community College District will hold two public
hearings on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from
properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by 11.8
percent. Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser
rate, or even decrease, depending on the change in the taxable
value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value
of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted.
The first public hearing will be held on August 23, 2018 at
12:00 p.m. at 5930 Middle Fiskville Road, Austin, Texas.
The second public hearing will be held on August 27, 2018 at
12:00 p.m. at 5930 Middle Fiskville Road, Austin, Texas.
The members of the governing body voted on the proposal to
consider the tax increase as follows:
- Dr. Barbara Mink,
- Gigi Edwards Bryant,
- Mark Williams,
- Dr. Betty Hwang,
- Dr. Nora Hoyos Comstock
- Sean Hassan,
- Dr. Nan McRaven,
- Julie Ann Nitsch,
- Nicole Eversmann
The average taxable value of a residence homestead in the
Austin Community College District last year was $316,276.
Based on last year’s tax rate of $0.1008 per $100 of taxable
value, the amount of taxes imposed last year on the average
home was $318.81.
The average taxable value of a residence homestead in the
Austin Community College District this year is $336,361. If
the governing body adopts the effective tax rate for this year
of $0.0937 per $100 of taxable value, the amount of taxes
imposed this year on the average home would be $315.17.
If the governing body adopts the proposed tax rate of $0.1048
per $100 of taxable value, the amount of taxes imposed this
year on the average home would be $352.51.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend the hearings
and express their views.
Tags: Board of Trustees, public hearing, tax hearing, tax notice
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By Nathan August 23, 2018 - 12:20 am
Why are you holding meetings during normal, homeowner business hours? Are you trying for low turnout to oppose the tax? Most of us will be at our jobs on those dates and times
By Vivian August 30, 2018 - 7:49 pm
This is held during the day when no one can feasibly attend. There was no announcement to students via email. What the heck?