ACC delivers more than 4,300 books to Brown Santa Program

Austin Community College (ACC) delivered more than 4,300 books, puzzles, and games to the Travis County Sheriff’s Office Brown Santa Program Wednesday, December 5.

Sponsored by the ACC Student Government Association, the book drive benefits children of disadvantaged families.

 “It is so heartwarming and exciting to see the kids wait in line with their parents as they pick up the boxes,” says Sally Hernandez, Travis County sheriff. “As they carry them off (you) can hear them (ask their parents) ‘Can we see? What do we have?’ They are very excited.”

ACC students, faculty, and staff donated new or gently used book. New this year, the Brown Santa Program started collecting puzzles and games as another way to help develop skills and creativity among children.

“It’s important for children to have the opportunity to read, but it’s all educational,” says Dr. Molly Beth Malcolm, Campus Operations and Public Affairs executive vice president. “We all like to do different things. Sometimes you want to play with a puzzle. Sometimes it’s a book and sometimes it’s a game.”

The college has donated more than 28,000 books to the Travis County Sheriff’s Office Brown Santa Program since the partnership launched in 2009.

Brown Santa 2018
The book drive benefits children of disadvantaged families.

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