ACC celebrates saving textbook costs with Open Education Week

Austin Community College (ACC) celebrates Open Education Week, March 4-8, by highlighting the millions of dollars students have saved by taking Z-Degree classes.

Z-Degree classes use zero-cost learning materials and open education resources (OER) — openly licensed, high-quality course materials — in place of traditional textbooks. ACC has saved students more than $3 million in textbook costs since 2016.

“Open Education Week celebrates the global movement and lets students know about the hundreds of opportunities available right here at ACC,” says Ursula Pike, instructional initiatives coordinator. “Besides saving textbook costs, students who enroll in classes using open educational resources also benefit from having access to the materials on the first day of class and tend to be more engaged.”

Students are invited to stop by any ACC library during Open Education Week to learn about the hundreds of Z-Degree classes available.

ACC’s Library Services and Academic Programs will set up tables to provide additional information:

  • Monday, March 4, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. – Highland Campus, Social Staircase
  • Wednesday, March 6, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. – Riverside Campus, Building G

For more information about Open Education Week events, contact Pike at 512-223-7364 or [email protected].

For more information on Z-Degree classes, visit

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