ACC San Gabriel Campus wins state and national awards

The 100-acre campus includes a rooftop terrace, a multi-purpose room, and a 150-seat ACCelerator learning lab.

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) has awarded Austin Community College San Gabriel Campus in Leander its 2018 Excellence in Construction (EIC) Award.

The project is one of 92 nationwide selected for a prestigious EIC. The award honors all construction team members, including the contractor, owner, architect, and engineer. San Gabriel Campus was recognized for Excellence in Construction for Institutional projects $25 to $100 million.

“Leander is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. It’s our mission to make sure we are meeting the needs of the community and creating more pathways,” says Dr. Richard Rhodes, ACC president/CEO. “This campus was designed to be state-of-the-art but also keep the beauty of the area alive with plenty of greenbelt space and a nearby river.”

The 100-acre Leander campus includes a 3,900-square-foot rooftop terrace, classrooms, science labs, a library, multi-purpose room, and a 150-seat ACCelerator learning lab.

Along with the national recognition, the campus also received the 2018 Excellence in Construction Award for Institutional projects $25 to $100 million from the Central Texas Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors and the Best of the Best Award from ABC.

The Associated Builders and Contractors annual awards are the industry’s leading competition that honors both general and specialty contractors for innovative and high-quality merit shop construction projects.

For more information about San Gabriel Campus, visit

ACC San Gabriel - Grand Opening

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