This regular feature recognizes achievements, activities, and accolades of ACC faculty and staff. To submit news or suggestions, see the contact information below.
ACC was named among the Top 50 U.S. Colleges With The Best Presidents by Great Value Colleges. The website attributes the improved math curriculum; the addition of the ACCelerator, America’s largest computer learning lab; and the expansion of new campuses under Dr. Richard Rhodes’ presidency among the reasons why the college was selected.
On Saturday, June 22, R.B. the R.B., the ACC Riverbat, attended mascot training camp held by Higher Impact Entertainment in San Antonio, Texas. Mascots from professional and collegiate organizations nationwide attended to learn valuable techniques to aid in crowd interactions. At the end of the daylong camp, the professional mascots and staff selected ACC’s own dynamic lead mascot, Allen Linares, as Higher Impact Entertainment’s 2019 Mascot Champion.
The 12th annual Austin Asian Occasion event featuring “Stories of the Movements,” choreographed by adjunct assistant professor of Dance, Jun (Sunny) Shen, raised $10,300 for the Dell Children’s Medical Center’s “Heart to Heart” project, which offers free heart surgery to children from Asian countries. Shen also serves as principal dancer and choreographer at Blue Lapis Light. The event was held May 25 at the Asian American Cultural Center.
Dr. Rodney E. Rohde, adjunct professor of Biology, and Pam Wilson, former adjunct professor of Veterinary Technology, co-authored an invited Elsevier book entitled Rabies: Clinical Considerations and Exposure Evaluations. The book was highlighted in June on a segment that aired on Outbreak News, a national radio show and podcast.
Belinda Peña, the inaugural Financial Aid work study/outreach coordinator, organized a partnership with the Student Money Management Office to launch one of the first large-scale texting campaigns at ACC. Almost 10,000 students opted in to receive texts regarding financial aid, scholarships, payment, and registration. For more information about Financial Aid, see Financial Aid Office Takes an Active Role in Student Success.
Nancy Hernandez, Sr. Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Dean of Computer Science and Information Technology, published her second romance novel, Finish What You Started, under the pen name Darci McIntyre. Hernandez hired ACC student Melanie Sutherland to create illustrations for the book cover.
Do you know a faculty or staff member who has accomplished something notable outside the classroom or in their community? We want to hear about them. Contact Vicky Garza Gonzalez at [email protected].
Tags: accolades, achievements, activities, Earning As, FacStaff Accolades, faculty, Great Value Colleges, staff
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