State of Round Rock Campus discussed at Campus Conversation

Austin Community College (ACC) President/CEO, Dr. Richard Rhodes, led a discussion on the state of Round Rock Campus and the district at the June 27 Campus Conversation.

Students, staff, faculty, and community members congregated on the social staircase in Building 8000, the campus’ newest facility.

Dr. Rhodes started by sharing the college’s recent successes, most recently being awarded the inaugural Seal of Excelencia award, and provided an update on the status of the 2014 bond projects.

He also laid out the college’s priorities to build up the systems and programs that reduce costs to students and help them achieve their goals, including new software and systems; K-12, university, and business and community partnerships; improved internal collaboration; open educational resources; and wrap-around student support services.

Dr. Rhodes then presented the progress the Round Rock Campus was making in terms of closing equity gaps in enrollment. While overall enrollment grew 2.17 percent in fall 2018, Hispanic, Black, and Asian student enrollment grew by 35.67 percent, 9.04 percent, and 5.82 percent, respectively.

Attendees also had the opportunity to meet Tracie German, the new Round Rock campus manager, as well as Amanda Dean, the district’s new ombudsperson.

Following the updates, Dr. Rhodes was joined by other college leadership and several members of the Board of Trustees to answer questions regarding transportation, food access and insecurity, child care, and the reuse of space throughout the college.

The next Campus Conversation will be held Thursday, October 3, at 9:30 a.m. at Eastview Campus. Campus Conversation events are open to all ACC students and employees.

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