Top 3 Reasons to Attend General Assembly 2019

Each year, ACC employees from across the district gather at General Assembly to hear key college updates. This event helps connect the dots between daily work and the strategic plan of the college. ACC faculty & staff are invited to join us on September 6 at the Austin Convention Center as we take a look at our interconnectedness — how people and partnerships strengthen our students’ pathways to success.

1. You want to gain a better understanding of Guided Pathways. The State of the College Address from our President/CEO Dr. Richard Rhodes will report on our progress in Guided Pathways initiatives. Keynote Joshua Wyner (executive director of the College Excellence Program at the Aspen Institute) will share insights on “What Excellent Community Colleges Do,” in relation to Guided Pathways.

2. You enjoy connecting with colleagues. The entire event is devoted to connections — the connections employees have with co-workers, students, and community. Employees attend this event each year because it’s a time to catch up with folks from across the district who they don’t regularly see over breakfast and lunch.

3. You value collaboration. Partnerships are what make ACC successful. Throughout the event there will be opportunities to find community in learning and networking. Breakout sessions in the afternoon offer deeper ways to learn how to engage in Guided Pathways work at ACC through collaborating on creating change, communications, and community.

Learn more & register now:

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