A Message from the Director of Alumni Relations

The Austin Community College Alumni Network Advisory Council recently published our first strategic plan and one of the key priorities in this plan is to understand our community. Our goal is to better engage and celebrate our alumni who work at ACC by attaining a clearer understanding of this demographic. 

To do so, we are running an internal survey of alumni who work for ACC (with a focus on classified, professional-technical, and full-time employees). As a thank you to the first 250 alumni who filled out the survey, we will be hosting coffee receptions on each of the campuses to present them with a ceramic travel mug that reads “Alumni + Employee = The Perfect Blend.”

The survey runs until the end of September. The mug distributions and receptions will happen later in the fall and the participants will receive an invitation.

Don’t wait! Fill out the survey now at bit.ly/AlumniEmployee.

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