Austin Community College (ACC) was ranked the ninth largest Hispanic-enrolling two-year institution in the country in The Hispanic Outlook on Education annual top 100 issue.
Also, among all two-year and four-year schools, ACC ranks 25th in the nation for highest Hispanic enrollment.
The magazine, a national monthly publication that provides education news, innovations, networking, resources and the latest trends impacting students from kindergarten through graduate school, used IPEDS data from 2017 to rank the highest Hispanic-enrolling institutions in the nation. In fall 2017, ACC enrolled 14,733 Hispanic students. The Hispanic student population at ACC is the college’s fastest-growing demographic. In fall 2019, ACC enrolled approximately 15,700 Hispanic students, an increase of 27 percent over the last five years, bringing the college’s overall Hispanic enrollment to 38 percent.
“This increasing number of Hispanic students, particularly in Texas, is important because we are still working to close the achievement gaps along racial and gender lines,” says Dr. Guillermo “Willie” Martinez, Student Affairs interim vice president. “The future economy of Texas will be largely contingent on how well higher education institutions prepare students, in particular its minority students.”
In June, the college was awarded the national Seal of Excelencia by Excelencia in Education for its positive role in serving Latino students. The college’s Guided Pathways Advising Through Coaching program also was recognized as a national finalist for the prestigious Examples of Excelencia award. Winners will be revealed on October 24.
Tags: Ascender, demographics, Excelencia in Education, guided pathways, Hispanic Outlook on Education, Hispanic student enrollment, IPEDS, Latino, Seal of Excelencia
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