Austin Community College kicked off the planning process for the 2020-25 Academic Master Plan (AMP) during a strategic planning meeting Wednesday, January 15, with representatives from ACC’s academic areas including deans and program chairs and the AMP steering committee.
The AMP guides the college’s Guided Pathways work to increase student success rates. It integrates goals from the program and departmental levels and incorporates new practices that serve as an extension of the strategic planning and budget processes.
The AMP will integrate with the Districtwide Campus Master Plan currently underway.
The AMP planning process — led by a 35-member steering committee — invites participation from all areas of the college.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to share ideas with the lead of their Area of Study. Comments and questions also may be made on the AMP website.
The next meetings for the AMP Steering Committee and the AoS teams take place in February.
To follow planning news and updates, or watch a recording of the inaugural meeting, visit the Academic Master Plan website.
Tags: Academic Master Plan, AMP, AMP steering committee, Districtwide Campus Master Plan, guided pathways, strategic planning
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