Austin Community College implements new campus hours of operations to help slow spread of COVID-19

UPDATE:  To assist faculty and staff who may need final access to their offices. ACC will allow access to all campuses from Monday, April 20, through Friday, April 24, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. After Friday, April 24, new campus hours of operation will begin.

Austin Community College will implement new campus hours of operations to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). While campuses remain closed to students and the public until May 31, faculty and staff will have access to campus resources at one campus in each region beginning Friday, April 24. Riverside (south), Highland (central), and Round Rock (north) campuses will be open Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and will remain closed Saturday and Sunday. All other ACC campuses and centers will be closed until further notice.

After Friday, April 24, employees who require access to a closed building for emergency purposes will need to contact ACC Police Dispatch at 512-223-1231 to schedule an appointment. Employees must obtain the approval of their vice president or AVP. 

All who come to campus are required to practice social distancing, wear a facial covering when around others, and follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention steps for preventing the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

For more information about ACC’s response to COVID-19, visit

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