Austin Community College graduates, their families and friends, and the Central Texas community are invited to join together and recognize the achievements of ACC’s spring 2020 class. ACC encourages the community to wear purple in celebration and share messages of congratulations on social media with #ACCgrads.
Date: Saturday, June 6
Preshow Countdown: 10 – 11 a.m.
Virtual Celebration: 11 a.m. – Noon
Link: austincc.edu/graduation
Roosevelt Granderson, ACC Presidential Student Achievement Award recipient: “My story shows that if a 47-year-old married man and father of two can start over anyone can. After a long and successful career in law enforcement, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and seek another career path in cybersecurity. College has changed a lot since I was last in it. I want to thank the faculty and staff at ACC for guiding me through this journey. Your support helped me secure a new career path.”
Nobel Udoh, ACC Student Government president: “I’m so excited that despite the issues at hand, students are still able to celebrate their accomplishments virtually in a way that shows the hard work that they’ve put in during their time at ACC. During my two years at ACC, I have had wonderful experiences—the people I have met, scholarship opportunities, and job opportunities have helped shape who I am today. I am sure that for a lot of the graduates that has been the case and I am grateful to have been one little piece in the story of this great institution.”
Shelby Moore, ACC Early College High School graduate: “I was born into a family where my expectations were low due to my parents did not graduate high school. I was expected to take my own path. Through ACC anyone can change their destiny and destroy any low expectations that anyone has of them.”
ACC created a platform to make the event interactive for graduates with specially created filters and frames. On Saturday, students, family, and friends can post a picture on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with #ACCGrads and it will appear on a live feed.
The virtual celebration will include special videos and messages to graduates from the ACC community and notable Austinites, including Kendra Scott, Roy Spence, and Aaron Franklin.
ACC is celebrating a record-breaking graduating class this academic year.
The event is free and open to the public. A preshow countdown begins at 10 a.m. and the virtual celebration starts at 11 a.m. The events will stream live on ACCTV.
For more information about ACC’s 2020 virtual commencement celebration, visit austincc.edu/commencement.
Tags: celebration, commencement, Commencement Ceremony, graduation, Spring 2020, virtual commencement, Virtual Graduation
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