ACC Veterans Day Profiles: James Daniels

James Daniels is ACC’s department chair of Emergency Management. He has been adjunct faculty for one year and full-time faculty for one year. He retired from the army as a Lieutenant-Colonel.

What does Veterans Day mean to you?
It’s a reminder that we enjoy the benefits of living in this country to those who served and sacrificed on our behalf.

When were your years of service?
1988 – 2009

Which branch of the military did you serve in and what was your rank and/or position(s)?
Army. Retired a Lieutenant-Colonel.

Where did you serve?
Louisiana, Georgia, Korea, Panama, Kentucky, North Carolina, Iraq, and Texas

Why did you choose to serve in the military?
I felt that as a citizen I had a duty to serve. I didn’t want to be a “free-rider.”

How did the skills you learned in the military translate into your life and career afterward?
More than I can say. I’ve learned to value the important and to ignore the unimportant, to plan and to prioritize, to make hard decisions with limited information, and to keep pressing forward.

What do you want people to know about our military?
It made me what I am and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

Read more ACC veteran employee profiles >

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