This regular feature recognizes achievements, activities, and accolades of Austin Community College District (ACC) faculty and staff. To submit news or suggestions, see the contact information below.
Austin Community College District (ACC) and ACC Chancellor Dr. Richard Rhodes were awarded the 2020 Austin Regional Manufacturers Association (ARMA) Friend of Manufacturing Award. The college was recognized for its new Advanced Manufacturing High School Academy and IMPACT Lab – a business incubator set to open in 2021 for aspiring manufacturers and entrepreneurs — and its work to develop and launch rapid training, microcredentials, and industrial degree opportunities for students.
Dr. Hector Aguilar, Continuing Education dean, and Dr. Shasta Buchanan, Student Affairs vice president, have been honored with the 2021 William H. Spurgeon III Award from the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Capitol Area Council, the highest recognition for individuals and organizations contributing significant leadership to the BSA Exploring Program for youth.
Dr. Rodney E. Rohde, associate adjunct Biology professor, co-published an article titled, “The Imminence of the Next SARS Outbreak,” on
Do you know a faculty or staff member who has accomplished something notable outside the classroom or in their community? We want to hear about them. Contact Vicky Garza Gonzalez at [email protected].
Tags: achievements, Earning As, Employees, FacStaff Accolades, FacStaff Digest
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