Earning As: March 2021

This regular feature recognizes achievements, activities, and accolades of Austin Community College District (ACC) faculty and staff. To submit news or suggestions, see the contact information below.

Dr. Molly Beth Malcolm, ACC Campus Operations & Public Affairs executive vice president, was appointed by the Austin City Council to a 21-member board for the Austin Economic Development Corp (AEDC). The group will act as a local government corporation and will take on projects that further any governmental purpose, from real estate development to homelessness-related efforts. According to its articles of incorporation, the AEDC could help the city with development, acquisition, ownership, and operation of community development and affordable housing projects; promotion of employment and economic development; and promotion and maintenance of both for-profit and nonprofit creative and cultural venues.

Dr. Rodney Rohde, ACC adjunct professor, chair of the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program at Texas State University, and associate director for the Texas State University Translational Health Research Center, was interview by CBS Austin for a segment entitled ‘Austinites weigh in on possible ‘vaccine passports’ as part of return to normalcy.’

Chelsea Snow, Distance Education advising specialist, presented at the Texas Advising Academic Network (TEXAAN) Virtual Conference and won the “Best in TEXAAAN” for her presentation: “Fostering Team Spirit in A Virtual Environment.” Snow co-presented with Jennifer Browning, Student Affairs assistant. Out of 30 formal presentations eligible for this award, their presentation received the highest participant feedback scores.

Joseph Oleniczak, ACC High School Biology adjunct professor, and Kissau Tchedre, ACC Biology assistant professor, received a $385,845 National Science Foundation grant. Their project, Dual Credit High School Community College DNA Sequencing and Genomics Facility, will establish a first-of-its-kind DNA sequencing and genomics facility on the Austin Independent School District Liberal Arts and Science Academy high school campus. Dual credit high school and community college students will run the facility as part of their curriculum to complete an industry-recognized Level I certificate in Biotechnology from Austin Community College through dual credit high school and community college Career and Technical Education courses.

ACC’s Office of Communications & Marketing received four Paragon awards from the National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR). NCMPR’s prestigious Paragon Awards recognize outstanding achievement in design and communication at community and technical colleges. OCM won in the following categories:

  • Social Media: ACC Facebook — GOLD
  • Promotional Video: ACC Student Beat — BRONZE
  • Community Relations Campaign: Community Conversations | The Future of ACC Pinnacle Campus — GOLD
  • TV Spot Ad: YES Ad — BRONZE

Watch the awards ceremony on YouTube

ACC’s Alumni Network was recognized by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) for its Alumni + Employee program

Two ACC Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society students were selected as 2021 Coca-Cola Academic Team Gold Scholars: Elise Vicknair, Elgin Campus, and Crystal Farmer, Rio Grande Campus. Selection as a Coca-Cola Scholar was based on scores the students earned in the All-USA Academic Team competition, for which more than 2,000 applications were received this year. These students will each receive a scholarship for the fall 2021 semester.

Head Librarian Sheila Henderson has been invited to serve on the federal panel of grant reviewers for the Medical Library Association (MLA).

Riverside Faculty Librarian Lynda Infante was appointed by newly elected City Councilwoman for District 2 Vanessa Fuentes to serve on the City of Austin Library Commission. Infante will represent District 2 for a four-year term. The Library Commission makes recommendations to the city council on matters relating to the establishment, maintenance and operation of the Austin Public Library.

Do you know a faculty or staff member who has accomplished something notable outside the classroom or in their community? We want to hear about them. Contact Vicky Garza Gonzalez at [email protected].

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