North Region Projects: ACC’s 2022 Bond Proposal

Teacher and student at SWIFT for IT Professionals I class on Thursday, March 1, 2018, at the Highland Campus Building 4000.
SWIFT for IT Professionals I class on Thursday, March 1, 2018, at the Highland Campus.

Austin Community College District (ACC) has placed a proposed general obligation bond on the November 8, 2022, ballot. The $770 million bond proposal includes funds to support projects across all three regions of the district.

Projects dedicated for the North region will serve communities in Round Rock, Leander, Cedar Park, and North Austin. The proposal includes funds that can support the expansion of skilled trades and manufacturing as well as health sciences and computer science/IT programs. It also would create space for the college to expand high-demand student support services such as child care and health clinics.

Below is a breakdown of the types of projects you can expect in the North region.

Campus/Area Total Program Focus
Round Rock $75 million Expansion of Skilled Trades, Advanced Manufacturing, and Health Sciences 
Cypress Creek $80 million Expansion of IT/Computer Science Programs
Northridge $15 million Expansion of Business & Continuing Education and of Student Services | Childcare, Student Health Services & Modernization of Campus Technology
San Gabriel $30 million Skilled Trades and Advanced Manufacturing

The college is able to issue bonds without raising its tax rate. Read more about how in the 2022 bond tax estimate web page.

Election day is November 8. Early voting in Texas is October 24 through November 4, 2022. For nonpartisan information about voter registration and voting procedures, please click here.

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