The Austin Community College District (ACC) Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting on Monday, July 24. Highlights include the announcement of the lone finalist for ACC Chancellor, updates on the 2022 general obligation (GO) bond, and the next fiscal year’s budget.
Lone Finalist Approved

The Board of Trustees announced the lone finalist to serve as the next ACC Chancellor. After a nationwide, months-long search, the ACC Board of Trustees named Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart as the lone finalist for the next Chancellor of the district. If appointed, Dr. Lowery-Hart will replace the current Chancellor, Dr. Richard M. Rhodes, who will retire at the end of September year after 12 years of service to the college. Read more here.
FY 2023-24 Budget Approved
The board unanimously approved the FY 2024 budget for the district. The almost $492 million balanced budget includes at least a 6% pay increase for employees, support for the Workday Student Information System implementation, restoring cash reserves, and additional spaces coming online. Learn more here.
2022 Bond Program Update
The board heard updates on the 2022 General Obligation (GO) bond program. Trustees approved a motion to allow the ACC administration to award contracts to qualified project management services firms. These firms will assist staff in overseeing the districtwide design and construction of multiple construction projects. The cost is part of the 2022 GO bond.
ACC is taking the next steps in several projects under the 2022 GO Bond. The board approved contract negotiations for the Construction Manager at Risk for the Hays and Southeast Travis County Campus. Additionally, the board approved contract negotiations for Architectural & Engineering Services for the Pinnacle Campus.
Learn more about each project here.
Contracts Approved
The board approved a series of consent items to allow the college to negotiate and execute contracts, including the roof replacement at ACC’s Service Center.
The second is to purchase equipment for ACC’s Heavy Equipment Operators Continuing Education Program. Through the Texas Reskilling and Upskilling through Education grant program, the college will purchase three used John Deere 410 Backhoes and one used Skid-steer loader. The program will train about 24 students per year.
The next is to execute a contract with a service provider for student stop-out outreach. This is part of a Department of Education grant to help students who stopped out after 2020 return to college to complete their degrees. ACC received more than $770,000 to launch Austin Community College Ensuring Student Success (ACCESS) project. This contact will make up about half of the grant.
ACC Strategic Plan
The board approved extending the college’s Strategic Plan, which expires on August 31, 2023. The extension will allow time for the incoming Chancellor to review and make any desired changes. A 24-member Strategic Planning Steering Committee collaborated with a consultant to create a new strategic plan. This involved internal and external input sessions with the community, developing short-term and long-term initiatives, gathering community feedback, and prioritizing initiatives.
The draft plan is expected on September 30, 2023, for review by the incoming Chancellor. After finalization, the Board of Trustees will approve it, and it will commence on January 1, 2024.
Tags: 2022 GO Bond, Board Meeting, Board of Trustees, bond, budget, chancellor, compensation, GO Bond
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