Austin Community College District (ACC) invites faculty, staff, students, and the community to start off Hispanic Heritage Month with Fiestas Patrias from 12 to 3 p.m., Thursday, September 14, at ACC Riverside Campus.
Fiestas Patrias are held throughout Latin America to celebrate each country’s independence from Spain. Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15 through October 15. The month celebrates the contributions and achievements of Hispanic Americans.
Fiestas Patrias at Austin Community College District
When: Thursday, September 14
Time: 12 – 3 p.m.
Location: ACC Riverside Campus | Building G – Parking Lot
Travis County Constable George Morales will join ACC to present Fiestas Patrias. The event also will discuss more about ACC’s programs and services.
The event is free and open to the public.
For a full list of Hispanic Heritage Month events, visit
Tags: Fiestas Patrias, HHM, Hispanic, Hispanic Heritage Month, Latin America
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