Recognized for illustrating assessment information in meaningful ways and for being a good example of institutional transparency
The National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) chose Austin Community College’s Academic Outcomes Assessment website to be featured on the NILOA website for September. The site was recognized in the Centralized Assessment Repository category.
The NILOA Featured Website is a service intended to point others to promising practices in innovative and transparent online communication of student learning outcomes assessment. The selection criteria for determining a featured student learning outcomes assessment website include: communication, creativity, centralized assessment repository, and navigation.
According to NILOA, ACC’s site was chosen because:
Austin Community College Academic Outcomes Assessment website is a comprehensive guide for institutional effectiveness and educational improvement through the collection of assessment data. It offers a plethora of resources, including the Assessment Manual, which describes the assessment program at the institution. The site also offers access to a toolkit of Rubrics and TracDat, where comprehensive collection and analysis of assessment data is available for use in learning improvement. Among a variety of helpful resources, one can find the Glossary, which contains assessment documents and forms specific to Austin Community College, along with instructions on how to fill them out. Furthermore, the college’s site shows Student Learning Outcomes processes along with a detailed breakdown of learning outcomes at the course and program levels through its Discipline Assessment Cycle Working Group, and supporting resources for faculty who would like to deepen their understanding of assessment. The resources available through the college’s General Education Assessments clearly state the competencies that students must possess, enabling faculty to align teaching to learners’ needs.
ACC was also recognized in NILOA’s September newsletter.
Special thanks to Ron Johns and Leah Jensen for their work on the website.
Tags: academic assessment, award, niloa
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