‘Project ACC’ promotes best practices in college teaching
The Cohort Two Faculty Fellows are:
- Blanca Alvarado, Sociology/Social Work
- Stacia Ashmore, Real Estate
- Carla Coleman, English
- Susan Das, English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Iris Diamond, Economics
- Scott Gibby, Foreign Language
- Jennifer Herrell, Biology
- Anja Ketcham, English
- Caryn Newburger, Integrated Reading & Writing/English/Student Development
- Meredith Ross-Chong, Student Development
- Kelly Stockstad, Communication Studies
- Suzanne Summers, History
- Cynthia Vega, Mathematics/Developmental Math
- Amy Velchoff, Adult Education/Student Development
- Lynne Wiesman, American Sign Language-Interpreter Training/Student Development
Project Active and Collaborative Communities (Project ACC) is a program supported by the Provost’s Office and led by the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. Faculty Fellows serve four semester terms as they research and pilot new active teaching strategies that support ACC students. Fellows also work as ambassadors to share what they’ve learned about active teaching with faculty across our college.
This is the second year of offering this faculty leadership program. The 2017-18 cohort will work closely with mentors from the first cohort as they develop projects and next year’s Summer Institute for Active and Engaged Teaching.
For more information about Project ACC, visit www.austincc.edu/projectACC and learn about Cohort Two Faculty Fellows at https://sites.austincc.edu/fctl/faculty-fellows-2017-2018/
Tags: faculty development, Faculty Fellows, Project ACC
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