Austin Community College will host its fall commencement ceremony 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 11, in the Frank Erwin Center (1701 Red River St.).
Featured speaker is Victor Hwang, CEO and co-founder of T2 Venture Creation, a Silicon Valley firm that mentors and builds startup companies and designs ecosystems to further entrepreneurial innovation.
Fall commencement honors graduate candidates of ACC’s associate degree and certificate programs for the fall semester and Adult Education students who completed their GED.
A reception on the concourse will follow the ceremony.
Graduates and guests can find details about parking, check-in, and caps and gowns on ACC’s Commencement webpage.
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By Frank Curry December 12, 2014 - 5:41 pm
…now that was a commencement address! It was inspiring, poignant and funny. Thanks, Mr. Hwang.